The traditional wetsuit you find in dive-shops presents all of the following disadvantages:
- It allows water transfer to the inside of the suit, which then forms a liquid barrier between your skin and the neoprene. Water then absorbs your body temperature trying to match it, thus draining your own warmth while giving you the impression of not being cold. But since the water transfer is occurring during the entire dive, you’re being steadily robbed of much-needed energy. You will be exerting yourself unknowingly, in order to heat up your own insulating water! This means your dive will become shorter and less productive and your breath hold time will be much less than your own potential!
- It is stiff, bulky and constricting for your movements. This includes restriction of your chest expansion for breath holding! That’s because the neoprene is heavily covered and lined with all sorts of unnecessary fabric in order to make it warmer. Therefore it’s heavy and it doesn’t stretch. This is why it needs long lengths of zippers and heavy-duty sewn seams for maximum hold, as well as a jacket with a separate hood, a separate vest, etc.
- It is a wetsuit that requires your physique to fit the pre-made suit, not the suit to mold to your physique due to all the reasons listed above. Should your size be slightly different than a perfect model’s, you’ll have to be content with a “loose-long-here” tight-short-there” wetsuit, or perhaps even have to pay and wait for an expensive, custom-made suit.
- It causes drag in the water. Due to all the reasons mentioned above, the water will have a greater braking effect on your swimming, with all the negative results that reduce your diving capabilities.
- It doesn’t compress(a necessity for freedivers). Effort is constantly being expended on the way down and on the way up. Also, the deeper you’ll dive, the colder you’ll get, as your body compresses itself, more than the wetsuit, which will allow flooding with larger amounts of cold water (even colder at depth, due to the thermo-cline).
- It will make you extremely cold while riding on the boat, because once the vessel speeds up in order to change locations or is returning back after the dive, you’ll be trying to find shelter from the wind, trembling from the unpleasant cold-to-the-bone-marrow feeling, from the rapidly evaporating water on your wetsuit, due to the action of the wind. Soon you will find yourself trembling, curled up in the fetal position, or looking for a large plastic bag to wrap yourself with!
- It allows bacteria growth and will take much longer to clean in order to eliminate the urine smell, which has been deeply absorbed by the fabric lining. No matter how long you hand or machine-wash it, soak it in detergent, disinfectant, perfume or whatever, it will have the ammonia smell embedded in it!
The Yazbeck wetsuit on the other hand, have none of the disadvantages listed above.
Instead, it will;
- Keep you DRY since a Yazbeck will not allow water in. How? Simply because the Yazbeck Neoprene is so “stretchy” and smooth, it will stick to your skin and mold to your body like latex surgical gloves fit your hands. Most of Yazbeck wetsuits also come with extra waterproofing sealants on the ankles, wrists and hood, thus keeping you totally dry during the entire dive. Because of its stretching capability, you can dive as deep as you would like and still the Yazbeck suit will stay completely sealed. The Neoprene used in the manufacturing of the Yazbeck wetsuit will itself be the insulation, allowing your body to reserve all of its energy for diving and hunting, instead of trying to warm up the surrounding ocean! This will allow for longer and certainly more pleasurable hours of enjoyment in the underwater world, feeling toasty warm and snug, extending your breath holding ability to its best capability.
- Stay soft, light and silky thus giving you freedom of movement, just like the professional triathlon wetsuit, which is also made of the same material as the Yazbeck wetsuit and is used only for the highest athletic performances. This innovative wetsuit manufacturing process relies on gluing rather than heavy stitching for its assembly, which increases the already superior elasticity. Due to this unique, gluing process, all Yazbeck non-tropical, wetsuits come in two pieces: a jacket with a built-in hood and a long john trouser (farmer-john type).
- Will fit you like a glove. An off-the-shelf Yazbeck wetsuit should feel like wearing a latex surgical glove. Being that flexible and smooth, it is also very tolerant of various body shapes and it will adapt to your size and mold to it, not the opposite! We also have 10 different standard sizes in stock.
- Won’t drag in the water, because of the very thin Nylon or Lycra layer covering on its surface. The Chicle® models will have even less drag than your bare skin, since they’re totally smooth on the outside with 0% absorption factor.
- It will compress on the way down and decompress on the way up in such a way that once you’ve balanced your weight-belt for the diving area and depth, you will realize that you’ll become a master of your own movements. It will allow you to sink like a stone on the way down and pop-up like a cork on the way up. That’s what I call a great freediving sensation!
- It will insulate you from the freezing wind because it has fabric only on the outside, while inside the wetsuit you are dry, so this eliminates most of the unpleasant “wet-cold” sensation due to the water evaporation. The Yazbeck Chicle® wetsuits for example, eliminate the problem completely. If you are wearing Yazbeck Chicle® on a speeding boat, you could stand facing the wind for the entire duration of the ride and stay totally dry and warm.
- It will stay clean and fresh and inhibit bacteria growth, because washing the odors away from a Yazbeck wetsuit will be almost as easy as washing it off a glassy surface material, especially if your Yazbeck wetsuit is a NanoPreneShield® or BioTermic®.
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