Montreal, May 21,  1997

        Almost two years ago,  as I was surfing the Net, I searched for "Spearfishing" which sent me to Cisco Serret's Home page.
        I loved it so much, that I just had to e-mail the man my appreciation!

        Then, I followed one of his links to another excellent one:

        Ata's spearfishing page :

        which also thrilled me...

        So I sent him an e-mail too, since we had both spearfished in the Mediterranean before.
        Ata gave me René Potvin's telephone number in Montreal, where I live... so, René and I started spearfishing in the St-Lawrence river... my first experience in fresh water diving!

        We got bass and walleye pickerels (dories)... Then, René and I drove down to the U.S.A. in September 1996,  to meet Ata Bilgili in New Hampshire and in Rhode Island...

        Read all about it in Ata's page:

        Hopefully, we shall be spearing striped bass and tautogs all summer together... the guys are really great! This list (Thank you Mark Barville!) has been a blessing for me here, in cold Montreal... when I can't be in Lebanon (my mother land) to spearfish, and it's winter here in Canada, reading my daily email from across the world makes me dream of spearfishing and diving, and this keeps me in shape for the season...

        So, Mark Barville, if you are reading this, I am practicing daily the "concentration" exercise you described and the "tuna hunting visualization" you suggest as a practice :)... every day on the treadmill, stepper, bike or bench press, I see myself lying down there, waiting for the fish... :)

        I have learned a LOT from all of you guys on this list... thanks for all the tips, stories and experience sharing...

        By the way, I went to Lebanon for 4 months, from October 96, till end of January 97... I was almost daily in the water, spearfishing... when I came back, I had over 2000 (yes... two thousand) unread messages from the freedivelist in my mailbox... Believe it or not, I READ THEM ALL!!!!! It took me some two weeks day and night to do so... but I did read them all. Now, for example, when I'll go to South California to spear my first white sea-bass (WSB) or yellow tail, I won't feel like a stranger in its waters, so much I've read about it! (I think I've got enough frequent traveler air miles for two tickets at least!!! :) *wink*

        To Cisco, Ata and Mark, my congratulations and special thanks for a great work you've done... and to all list members, my very best regards, wherever you are!

        Roger Yazbeck

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