In 1983, I had the following dream:

I was driving a black Mercedes, with His Holiness, Pope John-Paul II, sitting next to me. I was showing his Holiness around Montreal.

At one point, his Holiness hugged me and said:

- "Beware of Pie IX"

I was amazed that the actual Pope would warn me of another Pope, who died in the 19th century! (Pie IX is the French name for Pius IX. In French it is pronounced "P 9").

I didn't think much of this dream then, especially that all Canadian people had been aware for a while, that his Holiness was to visit Canada for the first time ever, in 1984.

One year or so later, as I started delivering singing telegrams and performing clown and magic shows across Montreal, I realized that one of the main streets in Montreal east, just close to the olympic stadium, was a boulevard bearing the name Pie IX

Each time I drove on that boulevard, I would reduce my speed, and check out for any road hazards! What else could the warning be?!

On the night of September 16th, 1987, as I was driving on Pie IX boulevard, I saw hundreds of money bills suddenly flying in all directions from underneath the bus in front of me!!! The bus stopped in the middle of that 3 lane boulevard, activated its emergency flashers, and all its passengers ran hastily down, stuffing the money in their pockets and inside their shirts.

I had stopped my car too. The 3 lanes were covered with money... Hundred and twenty dollar bills only (brown and green). I couldn't believe my eyes. I first thought it could be a "candid camera" thing... Then, as the frenzy slowed down, and all passengers went back in the bus which promptly drove away, I went down of my car, and found a hundred dollar bill stuck under my front wheel. I later found another 20 dollar bill.

I picked up my cellular phone, and called the police, who didn't believe me. Then I called a local radio station and explained to them what happened.

Next morning, I was awakened at 6h00 am by the reporters. The story became the talk of the town... It was all over the news. That evening, September 17, 1987, on the national TV, 6 O'clock news at "CFCF 12", channel 11, the first two headlines went like that:

(anchor man)

Our stories tonight:

1- Pope John Paul the second arrived to California, and was greeted at the airport by the American president, Mr. Ronald Reagan
2- Have you heard the saying "Pennies from Heaven"? Well, a Montrealer, Mr. Roger Yazbeck, has the story for us

Still think this is a coincidence, right? Wait, I haven't finished yet.

September 1997:  Quebecers were shocked at news confirming that all stolen merchandises from trailers parked at various trucking companies in Montreal and suburbs, were being hidden in hangars in the Mohawk Indians territory, Kahnawake, in the Montreal south shore.

Due to the complex legislation regarding security and autonomy in these territories, Quebec police forces were not allowed to raid these hangars, in spite of the video footage taken from a helicopter by the media, which clearly confirmed the story.

Our family owned trucking company, Distribution Trans-Express, being one of the victims, the "CFCF 12", channel 11, national TV reporters, decided to have the company president, my younger brother Carlos, on the air, for an interview...

Believe it or not, the interview was broadcast on September 17, 1997, at the 6 O'clock news!!! That's my brother there, exactly ten years later, by the day AND the hour!!!

Still think this is a coincidence? Think again... there is more...

When this event struck me, I realized that 2 days later, on Friday 19th, the Super 7 Lottery was to be drawn for the largest amount ever in Canadian lottery history: 22 million dollars!

My old dream came back to me:

"Beware of Pie IX"

Pius (pi) is the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet. It is also the mathematical value, roughly  (3,1416) or (22/7) which is used to obtain a circle's circumference and surface.

Pie IX (IX is the Roman "9" number), equals : 16 multiplied by 9 = 144, the squared root of "12"

Also, 16 + 9 =  "25"

I went searching for dates and info on the net, concerning the late Pope. 
Check it out for yourself here!

You will see that Saint Pie IX passed away in the year 1878.

You will also see that he was the 257th Pope (add it up: 2+5+7= "14")

You will see that Pope John-Paul II (Jean-Paul II in French) is the 266th Pope (add them up: 2+6+6= "14")

You will see that if you count from Pope Pie IX down to Pope John-Paul II, you get exactly "10"

You will see that between the "exit" of Pope Pie IX (his death in 1878), and the "entry" of Pope John-Paul II (his election in 1978)
there is exactly 100 years! (the squared root of "10")

You will also realize that if you add up 1978 (1+9+7+8) you get  "25"  (Same result if you add up 1987, the year I saw the money on Pie IX Boulevard)

Pope John-Paul II was in Canada in 1984, for the first time (1+9+8+4 = "22")

His Holiness came back to Canada for a quick and short visit in October 1987 ("10" month), 2 weeks following my incident

Not convinced yet? I found the money on a September 16. This is 16/9, right? Pie IX is also 16/9 ("Pi" being the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet, as explained above).

That makes too many numbers to figure out, for a choice of 7 winning numbers, so difficult to achieve, which explains the low winning ratio and the huge amounts that add up for the grand prize, week after week.

Why did I figure out it would be the "Super 7" lottery that same week? Easy... Super "7" for a "22" million dollars win... At school, we were taught to use the value "22/7" for Pi, since we were too young to memorize a 3,1415xxxxx value (roughly 3,1416). That's when it rang the bell...


Instead of concentrating on the too long "3, 1416" value, I should have worked on the 22/7 value... after going one decimal backwards (value of "10", as the number "10" was present in so many places, it was to affect all the numbers, without coming out itself). See this:

22 / 7   becomes : 2 / 27

Almost the same reasoning as the first dream, in 1982. All numbers would be between 2 and 27!!!

Things being positive here,( no evils involved, at the contrary: Saints and Popes), multiplying and adding would have been the trick, instead of dividing and subtracting, while using the same number who was to influence all other numbers, without being used  itself!

  2 x 10 = 20

  2 + 10 = 12

12 + 10 = 22

We go no further, since "27" is the highest number.

We now have 5 numbers: 2 - 12 - 20 - 22 - 27

We still need 2 more ... If you've been reading thoroughly, then you know which ones. The "14" and the "25"

Do not forget the other leading facts and figures: the national TV is CFCF "12" ...  I had found "2" bills:  a "100" dollar bill (again!) and another "20" dollar bill, for a total of "120" dollars (again, 120 :10 = "12"). On  TV, I was news number "2" after Pope John-Paul "2"nd

I got many winning tickets in that drawing. Numerous 3/7 and a couple of 4/7 . I miscalculated again... Or was it meant to be? Judge for yourself:

The winner of the 22 millions was a 22 years old young lady from Toronto.

The winning numbers? here they are:   2 - 12 - 14 - 20 - 22 - 25 - 27

I have a "gut feeling" something major will occur worldwide next year (1998). Since the 27 was the last value, and since the 25 was the add-up value of the 1978 and 1987 years. If you add up 1998, you get "27" . Something will happen, which is in connection with Pope John-Paul II,  that year. Something very positive, I hope and pray...

Divide 1998 by "2", and you get 999 ! (sounds like a great advertised deal on a $ 1000 valued object). Flip them down, and you get 666, which is incidentally 1998 divided by "3" ... (Do I sound apocalyptic here ? :-)

Anyway, that's as far as I got... I have no clue whatsoever where this thing my lead in the future. Should you, after having read these "vision dreams" stories, have found out any missing clue or extra explanation, please share it with me!              

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